
After Lap-Band Weight Loss Surgery

Arthur's Surgical Weight Loss Story

All of my life I had been overweight, and I came to the realization I couldn’t lose my excess weight without help. I knew losing weight would help my overall health and quality of life. I decided to have LAP-BAND® surgery because it helps you lose weight slowly.

Now I have more confidence, and I am more active. I got a promotion at work, and I have been active in gaining more exposure company-wide. My wife and I even have a better relationship. She is very active, and I can keep up with her now.

I think most people who have weight loss surgery are afraid the surgery won’t work. If I fail, it could give people who have a negative view of weight loss surgery the chance to say, “I told you so.” Ultimately, this motivates me to stay on track. My motto is: “I’ll gladly eat less while you naysayers eat your words.” Weight loss surgery is just a tool; you still have to work at losing weight and reaching your goal. Don’t worry about the little things, just stick to the plan and you will be successful.