All of our locations remain open and we are continuing to see patients with urgent and acute conditions while following all CDC recommendations to help prevent exposure and spread of COVID-19. We now offer virtual visits, available with our family
medicine physicians. Please call us to schedule your virtual appointment.
Upon scheduling your virtual visit, please review these instructions.
Now, there's one place you can come for minor emergencies and family care for your whole family. From sore throats and broken bones to check-ups and immunizations, we have the best of both worlds conveniently close to your home for patients aged 3 and
older. With an urgent and family care practice, staffed by board-certified physicians and advanced practice providers (APPs), you'll find commitment to personal care and one place for urgent, routine and follow-up visits. When you need us, we'll be
Walk-ins are welcome or call for an appointment.
Atlanta/Midtown | Holly Springs | East Cobb | Dawson | Cumming | Roswell