Patient Story

David’s story: Beating colon cancer against family odds


David Hart talks about his journey with colon cancer, his family history of the disease and his advice for other men about their health. 

David_hospitalWhat are the events that led to your cancer diagnosis? 

I was having colonoscopies every two years due to a history of colon cancer in my family. My diagnosis came after one of my routine screening colonoscopies. I had no symptoms or health issues before my diagnosis. 

What treatment did you receive? 

I had surgery at Northside Hospital to remove two-thirds of my colon. Following the surgery, I received FOLFOX chemotherapy for six months. 

How and where did you receive support during your treatment and recovery? 

I am thankful that I had good insurance and wonderful support at Northside Hospital Cancer Institute Atlanta Cancer Care in Conyers. Additionally, Dr. Megan McKee was exceptional. 

What advice do you have for someone navigating their treatment and recovery journey? 

DavidAs a stubborn single man, I took care of myself by myself, including driving to every chemotherapy appointment. However, I would recommend asking a family member or partner to help you get through the rough parts. 

How far out are you from treatment or is treatment ongoing? 

I finished my chemotherapy in mid-2022, and I am cancer-free. Currently, I go in every six months for CT scans and every 12 months for a colonoscopy. 

Closing thoughts 

Every male in my family for the past two generations has passed away due to colon cancer. My father passed away at 40, and my uncle passed away at 51. I also tested positive for Lynch syndrome. My biggest advice is to get a colonoscopy and/or early detection process in place. 

Colon cancer is generally treatable and curable if caught in the early stages. 

Learn more about colon cancer care at Northside Hospital Cancer Institute.

* The health story shared here may portray atypical results of survival for this type of cancer, given its severity and stage. Atypical results are considered surviving a cancer that has less than a 50% five-year survival rate. Patients should consult an expert to discuss specific treatment plans and the possible outcomes before making medical decisions. 


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