
About Northside Physician Ratings

Who compiles Northside physician ratings?

Northside physician ratings are independently validated based on real provider performance. Northside Hospital partners with Press Ganey, a patient experience company in South Bend, Indiana.

Press Ganey has been the industry’s recognized leader in improving patient experience for more than 30 years. Press Ganey works with more than 60 percent of all US hospitals and more than 26,000 health care facilities.

The Northside system uses Press Ganey insights to improve quality, safety and overall patient experience.

How are physician ratings calculated?

Northside physician ratings are calculated based on every score confidentially reported by Northside patients to Press Ganey. Surveys are sent through the mail or emailed within a few weeks of appointments. Ratings are expressed as a number from 0 to 5, with 5 being the highest rating. The transparency surveys gather information about a visit and its touch points throughout the journey, which encompass a patient experience. Patients score their visits so that we continually can improve the Northside patient experience.

What is asked on the surveys?

Among other questions, the survey specifically asks five questions about the clinician. Patients share their level of satisfaction using a 0-to-5 scale. That helps Northside make the experience as comfortable, professional and compassionate as possible.

The questions address these topics:

  • The likelihood the patient would recommend the clinician.
  • The clinician’s explanations about the patient’s problem or condition.
  • The concern the clinician showed for the patient’s questions or worries.
  • The clinician’s effort to include the patient in decisions about treatment.
  • The clinician’s discussion of proposed treatment options, risks and benefits.

What’s the minimum number of responses required to calculate a rating?

Star ratings are available for providers with at least 30 surveys returned by their patients. From those surveys, the mean score for each question contributes to the overall score. That is displayed through a star rating based on the same 0-to-5 scale used in the questions.

Why are ratings provided?

At Northside Hospital, you can look to us for transparency and informed choices. That’s why patients can search for providers based on how previous Northside patients rated their experience throughout our high-quality service lines, including maternity, heart, cancer, orthopedics and more.